In Desire Opens Fried Rice Business Sales
So Things You Need In the note is
Make 2.Way
Typical Taste 3.Cita
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1. Materials - Materials In Making Fried Rice.
White rice is a good texture
Sambel Are Already In Tumbuk
Fried onion krenyes
Kol-vegetable complementary nasgor
Vegetables Sawi / Other Vegetable his
Already Chicken In Cooking
having a speech impediment
soy sauce
Onions Are Already In Puree
cooking oil
cauldron and a gas stove or other
Acar / Cucumber-carrot Etc. As Complement
2.Way Make Fried Rice.
Turn on the gas burner / flame cauldron store / griddle over the fire, wait until the hot cauldron Put cooking oil into the cauldron / skillet place mengoreng rice, after the heat input vegetable oil-mustard cabbage and other vegetables it into the diadug until uniform, then enter the egg already shaken stir again until the vegetables and put them together with the spices that have been pulverized and then input rice stir until evenly between telot vegetables and rice, kemdian live about 2 minutes while stirring and then enter the soy sauce stir again until the texture of the cooked rice into a brownish color and then micin input, salt, put chicken meat paste and stir until evenly for 2 minutes and then removed, after being appointed fried rice is inserted into the platter, sisipi Acar / Cucumber-carrot Already In Shrink, then Hidangkan- Welcome menikati.
In Making Fried Rice Taste Is It Necessary Things Such Things In order to satisfy consumer desires, In Enjoying Food Fried Rice Consumers Will See That Taste Lah Most Significant For A cuisine, So Should be Preserved Taste With Good And Do To Make The Consumer Become Less Satisfied With What We Make cuisine.
In Doing Business Sales Nasi Goreng Location Also Very Necessary And Look, if we open the stall location away from the hustle Consumer Sales What we Do not going to go well, but on the contrary Let us open in places convenient and easily visited by all consumers,
no less important is cleanliness must be maintained and decency must take precedence.
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